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Mathematics teacher educators’ professional development as by-product of practice based research: the ELWIeR research group

Keijzer, R & Kools, Q. (2019). Mathematics teacher educators’ professional development as by-product of practice based research: the elwier research group. In EAPRIL 2018 Conference Proceedings (pp.21-36). EAPRIL: Portorož, Slovenia.

In the ELWIeR (Expertise centre mathematics teacher education) research group about 25 mathematics teacher educators in primary teacher education reflect on mathematics in primary teacher education. This group developed from a network group which started in the 1980’s. About ten years ago the group refocused becoming a research group. Members in the group perform practice based research aimed at improving their practice or participate in the group as critical friends for others. In doing so, they share ideas, methods and results in the research group meetings and on a LinkedIn forum. Reasons for participating are the felt need to improve teacher education practice and in doing so learn about teacher education and research on teacher education. Although never an aim in itself, the ELWIeR research group functions as professional learning community (PLC). This research in retrospective focuses at the ELWIeR research group as PLC and answers the question why and how this group could become an effective professional learning community as it is, while becoming a learning community was never opted for.