Hogeschool IPABO > Over IPABO > Sonja Stuber
Sonja Stuber
Publicaties van Sonja Stuber
Sneeuwpoppen als wiskundig object
Stuber, S. & Veldhuis, M. (2022). Sneeuwpoppen als wiskundig object. Volgens Bartjens, 41(3), 15-17.
Rekenen-wiskunde in de lift
Keijzer, R., Bakker, K., Stuber, S., & Veldhuis, M. (2021). Rekenen-wiskunde in de lift. Marktplaats 27, 30-31.
Mathematics in the news and prospective teachers’ professional mathematical literacy
Stuber, S., Veldhuis, M., & Keijzer, R. (2021). Mathematics in the news and prospective teachers’ professional mathematical literacy. The Australian Mathematics Education Journal, 3(3), 4-7.
Developing functional thinking from teacher education to primary school
Vollmuller, B., Veldhuis, M., Otten, M., Stuber, S., Anantharajan, M., & Keijzer, R. (2023). Developing functional thinking from teacher education to primary school: students walk along the number line. Presented at: CERME13 in Budapest, Hungary.